Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Notes on 10/28

The 1976 Amendment allowed groups to form political action committees(PAC) and one group could be form per corporation, labor union, etc.

Buckley v. Valeo, Supreme Court case allowed no limits on individuals spending their own money in compaigns.

IN the 1990s Soft money helps to avoid the 1974 laws and limits.

Soft money are funds spent for entire party ticket, such as party mailings voter regristration and get out the vote.

Soft money enhanced role both of national and state parties in presidentail campaigns.
Election fiance reform was a major theme in Senator John McCain's campaign for the 2000 presidency. He primarily critized soft money. Partly because of publicity the Bipartisan Campaign Reform of 2002, aka McCain Feingold Act.

The act raised the limits of individual donations from 1000 dollars to 2000 dollars and increased all individuals can give to all federal caidates from 25000 dollars to 95000 dollars over a two year music effective 1 January 2003.

Banned national political parties from raising and spending soft money for campaigns.
State and local parties can't use soft money for TV ads to mention national party candidates.

Soft money was limited to 10000 dollars per candidate per year.

These limits spawned growth in 2004 of new type of fund raising activity known as 527 organizations for provision of tax law under which they are created are accepting limitless funds without having to disclose who made the donations or how the donation will be spent.
They can do this because they are considered a Political Comittee but the don't directly involve themselves in the campaigns so the FEC cannot limit them.
527's have two distinct advantages:
Exempt from paying taxes on any donations
Donators do not have to make gift taxes on large donations.
The Swift Boat Vets that campaigned against John Kerry in 2004 are considered 527.

Strategies and Tactics:

Using information from pollsters and political consultants, campaign managers mix party, issues and a candidate image to compile an effective strategy.
Campaign messages are sent via media to the public, such media includes televesion, radio, internet and advertising.

Choices an individual voters make can be analyzed as products of both long term and short term factors.
-Long term factors are mainly compiled of Party Identification and background of the candidate that is running.

Challengers will campaign by pointing out the problems of the term and then promising to solve them.
Incumbents campaign using their accomplishments in office.

Among Short Term Factors:
-Voters fall back on religion, gender and race.
-Leadership, trustworthieness and appearance of caring are also factors from image.
-Usually found in less politically educated.

Most studies of Presidential Elections show that people will vote less based on issues and more on party identification and candidates image.

Chapter 10
Interest Groups:
-Defined as "organized body of individuals who share some political goals and trying to influence public policies."

Help or Hinder Democracy?
-Alexis de Tocquveille, in Democracy in America, says that with the ease in which interest groups are formed shows that we are strongly democractic in culture.
-Federalist 10 by James Madison, dangers of factions:
Noted, factions are "sown in the nature of man"
It is fruitless to try and eliminate factions, but better off trying to control the effects of them.

-Represent the populace in politics.
-Participate: Help average person participate in politics.
-Education: Help educate the populace about policies, candidates and campaigns.

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