Thursday, November 6, 2008

Notes- 11/6/08

These are the notes for Thursday, November 6th

Revolving door- interest groups often criticized for a type of interaction with government

known as a "Revolving Door." Through this practice, government officials

--both in Congress and executive agencies-- quit jobs to take postitons as

lobbyists or business consultants. May give an unfair influence to private


Reforming Interest Groups

1. Difficult to put limits on interest groups w/o limiting fundemental freedoms

2. PAC contributions are particularly problematic

A. Agreement is widespread that PAC donations give donors better access to members of

B. Congress has required disclosure of all campaign contributions so that the donor can be

1995, Congress passed law requiring lobbyists to register and to file semi-annual reports disclosing who clients are, $ spent on lobbying, and $ paid to do lobbying.

A. Critics charge that PACs reinforce, if not expand, the inequalities, b/w rich and poor


1. Our Congress has 2 separate and powerul chambers

A. Bicameral legislature, origins in the Great Compromise

B. Representatives in House based on population. Elected for 2-year term. A census is taken
every 10 years to change the # of seats (Reapportionment- ask Mr. G for clarification)

State legislature draws boundaries following this

1. States drew districts of unequal popuations size. In 1964, the Supreme Court steps
in Wesberry Vs. Sanders, Supreme Court rules Congressional districts must be drawn
so that one person's vote equals any other vote. ("One Man, One Vote")

2. State legislature redraws boundaries to make it easier for one party to win an election
this is called Gerrymandering (aka Shenanigans as quoted by Mr. G)

3. Racial gerrymandering became an issue after the 1990 census. The Justice
Department ordered North Carolina to redraw proposed boundaries in order to allow
for the election of one more black representative. This goes to the Supreme Court,
in Shaw vs. Reno, plaintiffs charge the J.D. with reverse discrimination based on
unequal protection clause of Amend. 14, orders them to be redrawn according to J.D.

C. Each state has 2 Senators, which serve for 6 years. (They have no limit for re-elections like
Reps in the H of R "The Incumbency Effect")

1. Powers of Congress defined in Article I Section 8 of the Constitution and consists of 14
specific powers (enumerated powers) plus the elastic of necessary and proper clause.
-Could include power to declare war, regulate taxes, or regulate commerce.
-Necessary and Proper must tie into an enumerated power

2. Constitution gives House and Senate essential the same legislative tasks, though each has
its own powers as well:

A. Only the House has power of impeachment. Senate is a court of the
impeachment charges

B. Senate must approve major presidental appointments

C. Senate has sole power to affirm/ratify treatise

D. Revenue bill must start in the House "Ways and Means Committee" which
deals with laws on taxes.

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