Monday, September 29, 2008

September 29th 7th period

In the begining of class we watched clips about public opinions and polls, then we took these notes:
The growth of the internet provides a good example that highlights the difficulties government have in regulating the information that citizens have access to in order to promote political and social order. There have been legal cases involving the release of information that has to do with the vice president Chaney and other government information relating to Iraq and terrorism.
1) Freedom of Press is essential to a democracy, but can complicate the governing process
a. Justifiable reasons for government to wish to keep information from citizens: homeland security, intelligence information.
b. New media (internet) do not just transmit information but also make it easier for likeminded people to find each other which poses new challenge to a democratic government
2) In a democracy freedom of the press must be balanced with the need to maintain order
3) The factors affect the balance between freedom of press and social order
4) As the factors change and evolve so does the balance between freedom o f press and order

Norah Almahdali

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