Monday, December 15, 2008

Notes 4 Friday Dec. 12, 7th period


Americans want equaltity, but their opinions of how much the govt should interfer differs.
1. Most Americans supposrt equaluty of oppurtunity and the same oppurtunities to get ahead
2. Americans are less commited to equaltity of outcomes- Civil War Amendments 13, 14, and 15 provide Black Americans Civil political rights.
A. Supreme Court ruked in 1873 state and national citizenshipremained district, despite rights guaranteed by the 14th amemdment
B. Supreme court sruck down selection of Civil rights Act of 1875 dealing with equality of public accomodations on grounds that a Federal govt could not prohibit discrimination by private citizens.
C. Voting Rights of Blacks weakened through several; discriminatory mechanisms such as poll tax, lwas requiring proof of property ownership or education requirements
2. With nullification of Civil Rights Act of 1875, state lwas that formally protected racial segregation poliferated
A. "Jim Crow Lwas" required housing and all other public facilities for Blacks and Whites to be separated ( allowed segregation by law)
B. Plessy vs. Furguson 1896 Supreme Court uphelp stste imposed racial segregation based on concept of separate but equal facilities for Blacks
C. Supreme Court extended separate but equal doctrine to schools

Denied access to political system, African Americans began to seek access to courts and challelge racial segregation in education
1.National association 4 The Advancement Of Colored People (NAACP) helped to challenge court state laws denying Blacks the right to White-Only universities
A. Missouri ex rel Gaines vs. Canada 1938 Supreme court rul;ed gaines admitted to university of Missouri law school. Missouri wanted to shift him to a new state, but the Supreme court said no.
B. Swealt vs. Painter 1950 Mclaurian Vs. oklahoma state regents 1950 Supreme court ruled that facilities made available to Swealt and McLuarin were inadequate, not equal state gad to grant full student status.

2. In 1954, Supreme cOurt went further and rejected separate but equal doctrine in its decision in Brown vs. Board of education of Topeka, Kansas
A. President Truman deseregation of armed forces paved way for Brown Decision.
B. Several States revisited courts demand of Brown vs. Board of education 2 1955 where the phrase "with all diliberate speed" came from.
C. Court apporoved several remedies to achieve integration busing children to better schools (Swann vs. Charlotte- meckenberg) racial quaotas.
D. Public opinion highly divdided on issue of bussing and other desegregation remeties
E. 1974 court has limited busing to school districts that practiced discrimination in past

Advancement of racial equality required political mobilization pf people through Civil Rights Movement
1. Under leadership of Martin Luther King. Jr Black Americans used several forms of civil disobedience to protect discriminatory laws.
A. 1955 Black Americans boycotted Montgomery's segregated bus system after arrest of Rosa Parks.
B. Non-violent sit ins demonstrates common form of protest.

2. Because of increased momentum of Civil Rights movement congress passed Civil Rights Act of 1964.
A. Civil Rights Act of 1964 designed to eliminate recial discrimination in all areas.

1. Entitled persons to "full and equal enjoyment" of goods, services, provledges places of public accomodation without discrimination on grounds of race, color, religion, or nation origin.

2. Strengthened voting rights legislation

3. Established right to equality employment opportunity.

4. Created equal employment opportunites commission (EECC) charged with hearing an investigating complaints of job discrimination.

5. Provided funds could withhold from federal assisted programs by ministered discriminating manners.

1. 24th Amendment banned poll taxes in primary and general elections
2. Voting Rights Act of 1965 attory general sent voting registration supervisors into places where one half eligible minority voters to help be registered and assisted voting
3. Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
4. Fair housing Act of 1968- education and training banned discrimination in housing
5. Supreme Court demonstrated tendency toward upholding freedom
A. Grove City College vs. Bell 1964 frustrated enforcement laws banning sex discrimination schools that recieved federal education grants were required to comply with government discrimination laws. Specific departments in school benefited from grants only.
B. Civil rights restoration Act made clear that if any of institutions get federal money no part can discriminate
C. Civil Rights Act 1991 reversed 12 court decisions narrowing civl rights protections

II. Lack of progress toward equality for blacks- an important factor in rise of black national movement of 1960s
A. During 1960s level of violence related desegregation increased
B. Violence took form in rioting
1. Black muslims particularly Malcom X (before assassignated in 1965) called separation from whites and use of violence in response to white violence

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