The old S.U. had a constitution and language spelled out that the Comm. Party was leading party.
- Operated a Democratic Centralism (Collective leadership)
-decisions made by consensus, once decision is made all must follow and carry out it, but thats not how it really worked.
1988 Gorbachev tried to change this.
- Introduced the office of President which he took for himself
- Gorb. wasn't trying to bring the Communist system down however.
- 1991 Republic of Russie created the President of Russia which Yesltsin is elected by a direct popular vote. After the collapse of S.U., Russia adopted a revised constitution which took many dieas from Rances mixed system. Makes a strong president and minor prime minister.
Putin interprets the constitution to suit himself but does follow it.
- Rule of Law
-people not paying their taxes, certain amount of lawlessness in Russia.
Executive Branch: Under Gorb. Reforms
- President is elected by the leg. branch (Supreme Soviet)
- President appointed top officials.
- Had cabinet headed by Premier or Vice President who exiseted to have a smooth transition of power in case the President gets his head blown up.
- The cabinet of ministers were the heads of major departments.
- All the cabinet members and Gorb. were also members of the communist party. Gorb. was the general secretary of the community party.
Today Russia's president is Medvedev, but there is no vice president.
- The president is directly elected to a 4 year term, though now this has been changed to a 6 year term for the upcoming elections.
- Two ballot run off happens between the top two vote getters, the first ballot encourages small parties, and the decision is based on the majority which gives higher majority. The second ballot is between the top two vote getters from the first ballot. Unless there is a majority ballot run off which means on the first ballot there was say some candidate that got 90% of the vote, they wouldn't need a second ballot.
- Two term limit (though you can leave for a period of time then come back for another two terms like people think Putin might do)
- President is the head of state
- Executive power is in the hand of the Gov. of Russia headed by the Prime Minister and confirmed by the Duma.
- Putin is our current Prime Minister
- Russian Presidents can issue decrees even on contenscious issues. Which has they force of law. They can be used to overide Parliament.
- President can call state of emergency and impose martial law, grant pardons, call referendums, temporarily paralyze other state institutions if they contradict law/consitution.
- Can be impeached though it is a complicated process.
- President is commander and chief, also heads the Security Council.
- The ministers of government are recommended by the Prime Minister and approved by the President.
- The "Government" can write decrees .
- The President and the "Government" can propose legislation
- W/United Russia domination they get immediate support in legislation passing.
Legislative Branch
- Bicameral Parliament-Federal Assembly
2 Houses- Upper: Federation Council (represents regions)
Lower: State Duma (represents Population/today has full proportional rep.)
- Any party gaining 7% is entitled to a proportional share of seats. It used to be 5 % but that was changed in Dec. as well as their 4 year terms were extended to 5 year terms.
Upper House
- 2 represenatives from 21 autonomous republics and 68 other bodies.
- directly elected by the population of each region
- can only delay passage
- like UK there is a provision of voting a No Confidence
-Party in opposition to majority may circulate a petition asked the Duma to consider a vote of no confid. Take 90 signatures, discussion is held about it and it would take 296 votes to dismess the PM and the cabinet. It would forces the majority party to atleast try and compormise.
- Both houses may establish committees
- Most laws must be approved by both houses.
- To overide a President veto 2/3rds of the Federal Assembly must support the original wording of the bill
- Patron cliant networks-strong, however during provatisation it shrunk because managers no longer about of the gov.
- When gov. employees move up- bring allies with them.
- Putin gains control over some indust. and it burea. grows a little.
- In old S.U. courts controled by the Comm. Party
- 1991 Yeltsin created the Constitutional Court.
- Its decisions of constitutionality of decrees and legislation were supposed to be binding. Overtime the court was asked to step in and decide who was right in the Yeltsin conflict, they decide with Parliamen so he dispans the court.
- 1993 constitution provided Consti. Courts the power to decide disputes. Took a couple of years to get it opporating in 1995 but it is basically invisible. Provided for jury trials, In 2002 the first jury trial since the Bolshevik Rev. took place. Power still remained in the judges who convict 99.5% of the time. No protection of double jeopardy.
- Supreme Court- severes as a final court of appeal in criminal, civil, and administrative situations.
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