- Glasnost allowed for interest groups to evolve into political parties.
- 1989-Elections were held for parliament for the first time in 60 years.
- 1990-The Soviet Constitution was changed. Language that declared communist party as the only party was removed from constitution.
- Gorbachev had two issues:
- The 15 republics of the Soviet Union demanded national autonomy. Popular fronts were formed. They were ethno-nationalist groups that eventually became political parties.
- The Soviet Economy. Inflation goes up and there is an economic decline.
- October 19, 1991-A coalition of conservative Soviet leaders wanted to stop Gorbachev's reform. This was known as Coup d'etat. It eventually fails.
- By the end of 1991 the Soviet Union collapses.
- Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus formed the CIS. The other 12 countries followed and declared independence.
- Boris Yeltsin became president of Russia. He was elected president. Yeltsin proclaimed his commitment to western style democracy and market economy. His reforms face opposition. Commits Russia to reform.
- All services went to private hands almost spontaneously. All except big industries. They go through Shock Therapy. This is when ownership of big industries goes from government to private hands through vouchers. Prices become free from government control.
- Inflation continues to go up and there is still an economic decline. The GNP goes down.
- Oligarchs werere those who took advantage of privitization without much expense to themselves. They made a lot of money. They also became a strong political force that gave Yeltsin some problems.
- Yeltsin's reform is controversial adn put the legislative and executive branches against each other.
- December 1992-Legislature agree to hold referendum in April 1993 for new constitution.
- March 1993-Parliament strips Yeltsin of power and requires him to follow the powers granted by the constitution.
- The Constitutional Court was called on to determine Yeltsin's decrees. The Court sided with parliament.
- September 1993-Yeltsin disbands parliament. New elections would be held in December.
- October 1993-Yeltsin disbands the Constitutional Court.
- December 1993-Yeltsin's new constitution was passed and is still held up today. It was modeled after the French Consitution.
- 1999-The Russian government is disfunctional adn cannot maintain military. It is unable to collect taxes. It essentially crumbles from within.
- Yeltsin suffers from a bleeding ulcer. He was an alcoholic. Yeltsin also suffered from heart attacks. This caused him to show up seldomly at work.
- The central government could not afford some things. The Regional government had to fund military. The Regional government also had to fund police. Also funds courts.
- August 1999-Yeltsin names Vladimir Putin as acting Prime Minister.
- March 2000-Putin was elected president with 53% of the vote.
- As Prime Minister, Putin divided the country into 7 district that were headed by presidential appointees.
- March 2004-Putin wins the presidential elections with 72% of the vote.
- Putin's popularity increased.
Kenny Singh
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