- After Tianamen Square, China has to back up and look at themselves. China's government policy was in favor of modernization, foreign trade, and investment was encouraged
- Deng was in power and greatly influenced decisions even though he was retired. Deng Shau Ping was an Elder (people consulted with him to make decisions)
- By 1995, Deng's health had declined. China recognized that they needed a new leader before he died. The premier Li Peng tells international observers that the president of China, Jiang Zimen, an advocate of economic reform was confirmed as the third generation leader. Along with Li Peng and Jiang Zimen, Vice Premier Zhou Rongji (had been in charge of economic reformation) would rule
- With the ruling three, modernization in China is more stable because the chinese leadership was more pragmatic
- Deng dies at age 92 in February 1997, power is transfered to Jian Ziemen (he was 70). He becomes president of China, general secretary of Chinese Communist Party, and head of military. He strengthens his power in Fall of 1998, when there was a CCP Congress where two critics of Jiang were forced to retire from politburo and the CCP.
- At Congress, Li Peng couldn't continue as premier because of term limits and he becomes chaiman of the national legislature.
- Zhou Range is promoted from vice premier to premier
- In 1998, CCP gave permission for what seemed to be privatization. they agreed to do large scale privatization of government industris because they were lacking. Chinese call this "Shift to Public Ownership". To do this privatization, government planned to hang onto 3,000 large important corporations, probably merge big ones, 1,000 large/medium sized firms were to sell shares to private citizens. But gov maintained control. Some medium and small firms were told to privatize.
- This preserved the unique problemto them. The chinese companies had originally provided lifetime benefits. Example: In 1997, the 6th largest steel company owned 11 kindergartens, 15 primary schools, 15 high schools, a hospital, and owned 56000 subsidized housing. These companies provided social security benefits to people. Private companies couldn't make a profit doing privatization, and couldn't provide the benefits.
- By 2006, privatization combined with no government social security program, elderly chinese are dependent on their children. The one kid policy means that one person may have to support 2 elderly parents.
- Chinese people got used to less government control in business and want it in their personal lives. Rural peasants protest government corruption because the economic boom had passed by them.
- Other problems in the 1990s- national health care. tried to replace government health care and have citizens split the cost
- Spring 1998- there is a growing awareness in CCP leadership that they couldn't dictate every part of peoples' lives. They couldn't represent the population completely as it is diversified.
- A group of intellectuals say it's time for a debate about this issue
- July 1998- 10 dissidents (critics) were arrested after they attempted to register the China Democratic Party. All 10 are released and not charged
- September 1998- a group of dissidents tried to register the china democratic party in different parts of china and told it will be considered
- December 1998- 5 are arrested or campaigning for this party. Xhou Wenlai is arrested. Li Peng announces that the opposition party would lead to turmoil. 3 of these 5 were sentenced (Xhou for 13 yrs, one for 12 yrs, and the other for 11 yrs). The following week, the government runs newspapers and publish tough rule. They say singers, movie producers, and computer software developers were a threat to government
- Late '99- CCP leadership faves challenge. A sect, Falun Gong, with millions of members. They went into public parks and performed exercises. Most were unemployed, retired, poor, or otherwise disaffected citizens. All lost out in the economic boom.
- April '99- the government is surprised when more than 10,000 Falun Gong surrounded the CCP headquarters and demanded leagal status. They basically had a sit in outside of the building. The gov came out later and said that they weren't a legal party/organization. The gov places bans on public parks for Falun Gong, but they aren't effective. Many went to Beijing and 3,000 were arrested. The CCP isn't as effective as it once was thought
- October '99- 114 member executive committee of the the National People's Congress ruled that leaders fo religious cults may be sentenced for morder and threat to national security. The Falon Gong leader was arrested
- November '99- reports emerge that a t least 500 people were sent to labor camps for being Falon GOng. 111 leaders are indicted
- Falong Gong is still around today, even in the US
- March 2000, National People's Congress in meatting. Zhou Rongji gives speech on corruption to the legislature. He complains about: wasteful government spending and lax management, urged better goods, urged stricter regulation on food and medicine, called for better social security network, and called on gov to crack down on those who stole from gov
Sunday, March 8, 2009
3rd Period: March 6, 2009
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