Saturday, March 14, 2009

So old, this is back from February 6th but hey I'm getting it done

-coal and steel co. 51'
-set up a high authority to serve as an administrative body
-to make policy
-set up a ct. of justice
-common assembly
-reach has grown more countries and products

Treaty of rome 57'
Single European Act 85'
Masterich 93'
-gave authority to act in a number of places
-not many things it can't touch
-creates European citizenship live, work. vote. in parliamentary elections in member countries
-created the common currency and European central bank

Policy making
-1st step-commission-27 members
-responsible for looking at laws to see if they are good for Europe
-can propose legislation
2nd step- council of ministers
-each nation looks out for their own country(PMs or Sr. gov't officials)
-commision-promotes integration
council-has to pass the laws
-can produce legislation as well
-some topics they want unanimous vote
-QMV-qualified majority voters

Treaty of Nice 03'
-assign a number of votes to the council based on pop.
-all votes for one country can't be split
3rd European ct. of justice
-resolves disputes based on various treaties and legislation passed
-union law takes precedent over national law
4th European Parliament-526 members every 5 years
-choosen by citizens
-consulted 2x when trying to make a law
-1st-commission proposes law
-gives opinion on
-the council must consider opinion
-2nd-when council makes its initial decision
-if they agree or takes no action for 3 months -passed
-if they suggest ammendments
-goes back to com. 1 month
-council changes
-if par rejects concil can override with unanimous vote
-can dismiss entire commission-never used
-can't appoin single commissionsers
-treaties give par. veto power
-power to induct investigations and conduct other European bodies-used in 99' on part of commissio-everyone resigned
-efforts at unification
-Eastern communist block 04' (10) countries
-attempted to write a constitution
-citizens voted
05' EU-launched 1st satelite
08' Eu-comitted to reduce greenhouse emissions by 20% in 2020
-also 20% comes from solar, wind energy
08' Ireland rejected Lizbin treaty

There you have in in case you wanted to know a bit about Great Britain still =P

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