Monday, October 6, 2008

10/6 notes

In class we went over the test and took notes
Tommorow Mr. G will be absent but we will have time to work on trials
As participation In citizen militias demonstrates, political participation is more than just voting.
1) Accordeing to the democratic ideal “government ought to be run by the people”\
a. Political participation can be defined as those actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or support the government and its policies.
b. In the model of direct democracy, citizens participate directly in government affairs
c. In direct democracy: relies on elections (formal procedures for voting) as formal mechanism for citizens to participate
2) Political participation can be separated into two different categories: Unconventional and conventional
a. Unconventional: uncommon behavior that threatens or defies government channels or the dominant culture. It tends to be stressful for both participants and their opponents
i. Americans generally disprove of unconventional participation
ii. It has been successful in influencing government decisions in the past

1. Past successes:
a. Discouraging President Johnson from seeking reelection
b. Heightening concern over the Vietnam war
c. Lowering the voting age
2. Civil rights movement relied on direct action to demand equal treatment for blacks
a. Unconventional participation pressured congress to pass civil rights laws against discrimination
b. Black protest in the south has been partly responsible for increased welfare support
3. People participating in unconventional politics tend to share three characteristics:
a. Distrust for the economy
b. Strong sense of political efficacy
c. Highly developed sense of group consciousness
4. Studies suggest that Americans are more likely to participte in unconventional politics than citizens in other democratic countries. It is interesting to note that in recent years a more truly international form of protest has developed large protesting the effects of globalization and the reach of international institutions (like IMF and World Bank.)

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