Monday, October 6, 2008

Notes! Monday, October 6 : ]

Political Participation
-political party members
-contacting government officials

(1) Political participation is more than just voting
A. definition- actions of private citizens by which they seek to influence or to support government and politics
B. direct democracy- citizens participate directly
C. Indirect democracy relies on elections-formal procedures- for participation

(2) Unconventional and conventional
A. Unconventional- relatively uncommon behavior- threatens or devises government channels or communication
-usually personally stressful
- americans generally disapprove unconventional participation
- unconventional has been successful in influencing the government:
(1) discouraging President Johnson for seeking reelection
(2) heightening concern over vietnam war
(3) Lowering voting age to 18
(4) Civil rights movement used direct action to demand equal treatment for blacks
-unconventional participation pressured conress to pass civil rights law against discrimination
-Black protests in the south had been in part respoonsible for increased welfare support

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