Monday, February 16, 2009

2/11 3rd Period

Sorry it's late!

1917: Vladimir Lenin is the leader of the Bolsheviks(Communists), he is a devoted follower of Marxism(Karl Marx)
Marx is shocked by the industrial class(prolitareate) bad lives, bourgeoisie (factory owners) have good lives. Marx predicts the rise of prolitareates against the bourgeoisie in a Revolution of the Prolitareate.

Lenin believes his Bolsheviks can mobilize the masses to carry out a Revolution of the Prolitareate on the backwards Russian economy that had not yet seen the industrial revolution.

The Bolsheviks are led by a small group of learn revolutionaries known as Vanguard.
Bolshevik leaders claimed they knew what was best for the people. Believed in democratic centralism(when they considered new policy, discussion of the policy on all all levels occured.)

The Bolsheviks started low, and got elected up higher and higher in the ranks. Once a decision was made using democratic centralism, everyone had to support it.

Stalin was the next ruler who ruled by politics and brutal terror.

Revolution from Above - forced peasants onto bigger government farms, into collectivism farming. Stalin forced the industrial revolution. This Revolution from Above came at a high price. Soviet State becomes driving force, state control and on\wnership of basically everything.

By 1930, >90% of the land in the Soviet Union had been taken from peasants and put under government control. Stalin brutally forced the peasants off their land. He forced industrialization by taking the peasant men and throwing them into the city. Famine spread through the farms, and many women and children die.

Soviet Union has heavy industrial sectors and they produce heavy equipment, not producing consumer goods.

Command Economy - inneficient system of central government owning. Central planning(Moscow), no consideration for market force.

Stalin stimulates a mass migration of farmers to cities and had greatly increased productions in the industrialism.

People were too afraid of Stalin to challenge him. Results of the industrial production routinely fell short of goals set in Moscow.

Stalin was a dictator after taking over the Communist party.

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