Wednesday, February 25, 2009

CHINA day 1

+In 1921 the Chinese Communist party was born

+The nationalist party (current ruler) controlled the central government but the central government didnt have control over the entire country (could not enforce rules to rural parts of china)

+Rather than a central government under nationalists there are warlords (local strong men) controlled rural regions with band of followers. These war lords were not concerned about nationalist party or the central government.

+the communist influence begins to grow in cities among industrial workers and soon becomes a major force inside the nationalist party. As the CP influence grows, tensions between nationalists and CP grows.

+The conflict between nationalist and CP comes to a head in 1927 when nationalist government attacks CP troops and slaughter thousands - the 2 parties split.

+CP is essentially an outlaw with it's leader Mao Ze Dong

+Mao and party take to country-side with the nationalist party chasing after them

+A battle in the country-side between the CP and nationalist troops causes the CP to go deeper into the country-side starting the "long march" (lasted about a year). Mao and CP move around the rural country to avoid the nationalist party.

+As Mao moves through the country he treats the peasants very well. In turn the CP gains a lot of support.

+After WWII 1946 a civil war breaks out. The CP prevails and drives the nationalist party to Taiwan.

+The rise of the CP is marked by 3 elements:

1. Politics was not just managing the economy for them it also was about mobilizing peasants to participate in government

2. "the mass line" a means of leadership where government can make concerns known to people and people would communicate back. The CP relied on support from the general population. This important role by peasants is considered the chief contribution to Marxist thought.

3. Egalitarianism (spelling?). Because of experience in the Long March, CP believed in self- reliance and had strong belief in equality.

1947-57 are years where CP is generally successful on completing their goals:
1. Enhanced CP power
2.Destroyed power of NP
3.Abolish private ownership by means of production by nationalizing agriculture and industry
4. Illimiate any vested interest in other governments

Having reached these goals China ran into criticism from intellectuals.

1958 now Mao is really convinced that China is the supreme communist nation and breaks away from USSR and sets out to establish the movement the "Great Leap Forward" - this movement would be an all-front development of China without leaving any section of the government behind.
1.created peasant-fused farms called "peoples communes"
2.mass mobilization of harder workers
3.took decision making away from local governments
4.decentralization of central government

Great Leap turns out to be a great flop discrediting Mao forcing him to give up his position as chairman and looses influential power

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