Wednesday, January 7, 2009

January 6, 2009

Chapter Nineteen Notes
Gov't policies and individual welfare
  • Promotion of social and economic equality through gov't policies is controversial because it requires gov't to redistribute income
  • Most every modern nation would be a welfare state providers and protector of industial well being through economical and social program
  • social welfare programs are designed to provide minimum living conditions necesary for all citizens
  • Both poor and non-poor americans agreed that gov't should protects its citizens against risks they are powerless to combat
  • In recent hisotyr, social welfare expenditures have increased steadily in order to provide minimum living standards

The Great Depression

  1. Market forces that had previously stemmed such declines were unable to check spreading unemployment
  2. Tens of thousands of dispossessed families were left without means of support

New Deal- policies advocated by Roosevelt

- sought to remedy depression

  1. New Deal leglislation compromised 2 phases
  2. 1st - armed at boosting form prices and covering unemployment
  3. Second helped forgoteen and dispossesed crown jewel-social security program

Americans were closely divided our New Deal policies until they become the status quo

Poverty and unemplyment remained until WWII, despite New Deal policies

Prez Johnson Great Society- included a variety of programs designated to redress chronic- political, social, economic

Public assistance is gov't aid to include who can demonstrate a needf or the aid, Directed toward those who lack ability or suources to provide for themselves

  1. 4 types of categorical assistance
  • old age
  • needy blind
  • needy families with children
  • totally and permanently disabled
  1. Until 1996- nat'l gov't disributed funds to states in proportion to number of people in state with income and poverty level
  • Poverty level= 3 times the cost of economy food plan
  • Through its imperfect, it's useful because it measures progress or lack of progress
  • critics argue poverty level calculations should also include income other than cash
  • POverty rate in u.s. has generally declined since mid 1960s
  • Still a problem-especially in children (20%)
  • Problem for women and dependents

2. 1996 Congress passed and Clinton signed a welfare reform bill that altered 61 years of natinoal welfare plicy

  • Reagan shifted emphasis in social welfare policy from economic equality to economic freedom
  1. Reagan proposed sharp cutes, enforced many others
  2. overal spending declined
  3. ending welfare as we know it
  • abolished aid to families with dependent children-affecting 1/5 of families with kids
  • New immiagrants were no longer eligible for most federal benefits
  • Individual adult recipients have 2 years to get a job
  • Families can only bhave 5 years of welfare
  • Law continues devolution of power to states
  • Rolls have fallen significantly
  • Real test- weakening of a strong economy

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