Thursday, January 22, 2009

Way way way way late blog from December 16 dorry for it being so late... By Kevin Yarnell

Protectionism- the belief that women should be spared from lifes crueties.
A. In 1873 the supreme court upheld illinios prohibiting women from practicing law
Most states, women were denied the right to vote until the movement for womens suffrage culminated in the adaptation of the 19th amendment .
A. The equality act of 1963 required equal pay for men and women doing similiar work.
B. Title IX stopped discriminination in women sports
C. Court determined in graig v. Boren (1976) that gender distinctions could be justified only if they served some important gov. purpose
D. IN the united states v. Virginia (1996) court ruled that qualified women must be allowed admission to VMI, devolped a test called " Skeptical Scrutiny" that requires parties who seek to defend gender based action to demonstrate an " exceeding persuasive justification" for that action.

Affirmmative action programs were designed to eliminate the effects of past discrimination against women and members of other monority groups.
A. Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978) the supreme court agreed that bakke had been dicriminated or had affirmative action against them.
B. Johnson v. transportation agency, Santa Clara count (1987), No racial quota set aside country now had qualification tests for men and women.
C. Hopewood v. texas court ruled that race/ ethnicity can not be the determining factor for admission to texas law school
D. Gratz v. Bollinger court upheld teh admissions procedures of teh university of michigan graduate school which used race as a factor and shot down th eundergraduate admissions for applying.

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