Monday, March 16, 2009

3rd Period: March 16, 2009

Today in class, Mr. Gottschalk handed back our China tests, China timed write, and Russia questions. We went over them, and he asked if we had any questions. Common mistakes made on the timed write were not staying within the time frame (1990s) and mixing up privatization with privatized industry. This took up most of the period. In the remaining few minutes, we started going over the HISTORY OF NIGERIA

  • Nigeria has been called an "unfinished State" characterized by instabilities and uncertainties.
  • Nigerian political culture has been characterized by turmoil and crisis since the British relingquished colonial power in the 1960s
  • Over 40 yrs later, Nigerian is still trying to escape its colonial past. The percapita incomes are scarcely higher than at independence.
  • In 1960, NIgeria was stronger economically than India and Malaysia, with a wealth of natural reserves, large population, and a presence of a highly entrepreneual group of people
  • Today, it's one of the poorest countries in the qorld. National resources are not enough to ensure its economic stability. RENT SEEKING (a form of patron client relationships) behaviors undermine the economy
  • Authoritarian, single party, and military rule allowed corruption, fraud, and mismanagement all undermined the stability of democracy

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