Thursday, March 5, 2009

Notes- 2/26/09

  1. Notes- Thursday, February 26th
  • Failure of Greap Leap-reality shock
  • return forms to peasants
  • people communies, abolished or minimized
  • Commys- commit to agriculture
  • Mao- not happy, turn to PLA (peoples liberation army)

Liberation Army

  • 1965- with support of army, lauched 2nd effort to implement his ideas for communism and eliminate opposition
  • 2nd attempt- Cultural Revolution
  • caused by
  1. Mao hostile with political moderates. lets two followers (Lui Shoagi and Deng Xiaoping) ikmplement market-oriented policies worked and helped economy
  2. policy deispute amoung top commy leaders
  3. concerns for hardline communists, young people don't share revolutionary zeal that Mao had
  4. Mao's desire to regain control

5 things, Cultural Revolution

  1. Magnify Mao's personality- absurd
  2. purge moderate political leaders, including Liu Shaogi and Deng Xioping. THousands are arrested, sent ot prison or workcamps. many die, including Liu Shaogi
  3. effort to mobilize mass action, bring back commitment to revolution. Mao's wife, Jiang Quing and 3 men- Gang of Four. active in ensuring Western (non-communist) aspect removal
  4. Manipulating public opion and action of leaders
  5. attack on press-
  • red guards- took to streets (violence) against old commy party elites
  • Roughly half of commy party leaders removed
  • renewed emphasis on Mao's thoughts
  • collectiveism and stresses service to society
  • During Revolution, Mao's wife urgesRed Guards to use weapons, Cultural Revolution turns violent
  • late 1967- Mao realizes extremity, but can't reign in Red Guard. PLA does it, takes 3 years
  • 1969- Revolution over, who's in charge?

3 groups, in an unstable coalition

  1. hardline Mao supporters and Gang of Four
  2. Miltiary - PLA has role in policy making, led by Zin Biao
  3. small number of remainign moderate vertan administraters- led by Zhou Enoai

-emphasize need for economic modernization

1st group to have issues- military

  • attempt to coupd in 1976- Prime MIn ister (Hua Gutoena)
  • gets rid of Gang of Four
  • way behind, education, tecnology, science,
  • move towards practice modernization
  • emphasized ecnomomic achievement over political ideology
  • 1973- Shou Enoui- Four Modernizations
  1. agriculture
  2. industry
  3. national defense
  4. science and technology
  • Guoteng- premier of goverment
  • Deng Xiapoing emerges as strong advocate of modernization- critic of Mao and cultural revolution
  • Zhou dies in 1977- massive demonstrations in his name
  • Dec. 1978- CCD meting- Xiaping supporters ciriticize Mao supporters
  • Guoteng removed from power
  • Next years, Xiaping suporters rise to leadersip positions
  • Under Deng's leadership- economic unparalleled expansion of market forces- greatest economic boom in CHinese history
  • 1962- Deng says it "doesn't matter if a cat is white or black, as long as it catches mice"
  • = if it works, it's good
  • Under Deng, agricutlure set pace- farmers produce grain surplus, no storage
  • Urband industry- CHina enjoys highest
  • 190- some 400,000 private firms in CHina
  • 90's- leadership ioen to foreign invesetment

foreign aid and investment- good for economy

  • set up 4 Special Economic Zones (SEZs) in 1979
  • SEZs- foreign investers get perks, min. 5 years more areas became IDed as SEZs with benefiits for foreign
  • Mid 1980's- almost all of urban China had SEZ areas

Chinese name for this time - Get Rich

  • refers to economy with mixed planning witha griculture and industry with private owndership
  • ecnomony getting stronger- 4 things happen
  1. education reviatalized
  2. decentralization of economy
  3. tolerate limited private enterprise
  4. emphasis on recruiting intellectuals into commy party

Success- leads to division

  1. support more freedom
  2. felt commy party was losing control

split, very visibile during Democracy Wall

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