Tuesday, April 28, 2009

April 9th notes..I may have forgotten. here they are

1917- constiution-current

politparty- holds 1st convention in 1924.

1929- 'National Revolutionary Party'- it became an official party, Mexico is a 1 party state

1946- Changes to PRI , not until Cardanos is president (1934-40) 6 year terms

In Mexico- Prez cannot run for re-election

during his presidentcy, urban workers have success in pushing land

In sextenuim, unprecedted strikes, petition, anger

more land distribured in 6 years than ever before combined

1940- land tenership is rather changed, tradition and high number of haciendas broken, now higher sector of lowly peasant farmers called Ejudatarios who is a peastant farmer who gets land from gov't though agraian reform programs

new organization of rural peasant

urban workers

turned into nationwide orgs

weapons whent to militias and gov't, nationalized foreign iol com's

worker orgs, don't amount too much utnil end ot WWII, then take off after, wealth in mexicio given to elite during time of economic goodness

heritage of prez pcardeno still live

org policies remian


1. establishing presidency as primary polit position

2. sweeping powers for prez during term

3. co-op military- will defened constitiution and not have coupes, in exchange is a pillar of society

4. elaborate netowrk of supprt for PRI until 2000

long haul, democracy slow

influence of orgz on society falls thorugh

impact is limited

-Party (PRI) domiantes mexican politics for 70 years to extent that meexico was 1 party state

-PRI won every race for 70 years, had the majoirty in the lower house form 1929 to 1997.

Being challenged for past 25 years, PAN, national action party

Challange is high during Pres Salinas

1990s- debates on

dinosaurs- old PRI's lose out to new reformist in 1990s, want to go back to when Nation owned ecnomy

1970-1976- Echerria to 1976-1982 Portillo and with Delamadrie and with Salina to Zedillo. Over time, dinosaurs lost out to technocratsMExico signs NAFTA and joins GATT and join new laws need to industrial development -when foreign firms are encouraged to open factories (Maquiledoras) that use duty free components to assemble products and export them

1990- over 15,000 maquiladores- products for export. dinosaurs trace loss of PRIpower to alot of tecnhicrats who are elitiest U.S. educated and out of touch

Tecnhicrats implement reforsm, privatize industy, liveralize trade laws, change electoral laws,a nd strike PRI core constituents and bourght away from socialist route

reforms of Mexicos authoriarian and corrupt system bacem part of Zedillos adm

-sent ament to stat for rat

-took control out of elections

-out of hands og PRI

-new election system

amended const- give polit parties equal access to media

limited campiagn spending

andy party can use green, oragnce, and white colors


3 problems disrupt gov't

1. economic problems

2. indian revolt in southern state

3. corruption with carnotics

Peso collapses -1995

Zedillo has to devalue the peso, results in 34%drop

to head of collapse, u.s. steps in provides $40 billion loan to garauntee no debt

largest loan in in't aid program since 1948, but allowed mecico to avoid default debt

issue with indians -1994- group of peasant annouce they are an army EZLN, occupy touwns and make calls for economic develpment. issue declaration, wirite, product of slavery, war, expansion. nothing to lose. no homes, land, work, health, food, education, choice, indepedence, justice, complain about develpment

2/3- never completedd primary school. object to electioification of mexico city through rivers when 1/3 of them had no electricity, distribution of wealth

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