Sunday, April 5, 2009

notes period 7 from friday

The Judiciary
kkk. The Supreme Leader appoints the head of the judiciary, Chief Judge
i. By definition, he must be a cleric
lll. The courts are supposed to be independent
i. Its political role in practice reflects the ideologies of the justices who are pretty much all conservative clerics
mmm. Have a penal called called retribution law, based on a narrow reading of the Shari’a
i. This code permits injred families to request blood money (eye for an eye, life for a life)
ii. This code also mandates he death penalty for a long list of moral transgressions
iii. It sanctions stonings, live burials, and amputations
nnn. Women are treated differently within the court system
ooo. There is an appeal system, with a hierarchy of state courts
i. The government appoints and can dismiss judges
ii. The harsh punishments percribed are rarely implemented
ppp. Because the Guardian Council and the Supreme Leader decide on the constitutionality of laws and policies, the courts do not possess the power of judicial review
The Bureaucracy
qqq. The is a large and less than efficiently managed public sector dating back to the shah before the revolution and dating back to the state at the time of the revolution
rrr. Since the rvolution the bureaucracy is staffed by lay (non religious) technocrats (educated)
i. These technocrats are culturally orhodox and have close ties with the church
1. Known as the second stratum of the state
ii. Gain their educations under the Islamic republic
iii. Many come from reasonaly humble backgrounds
sss. Bureaucrats are docile functionaries and mostly apolitical
i. They are also careerists
ttt. The bureaucracy is a little too large
i. Plagued with clientilism, corruption, patronage, and mismanagement (however this is also present in may other countries)
uuu. The military establisment is also part of the bureaucracy
i. 2 parts
1. the regular army
a. used to safeguard the borders
2. the Revolutionary Guards
a. have the job of maintaining internal security while
vvv. unlike Nigeria who has a llong history of mmilitary coups and a history of rule by corrupt military leaders, Iran’s military has not played an interventionist role in politics
i. following the 79 revoltuion, the military respected orderly transfer of power, followed directions by the Ayatollah Kehomeini to stay out of politics
1. the rank and file of the revolutionary guar show signs of being divided by reformists and conservatives
2. the top leadership is extremely loyal to the supreme leader


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