Monday, April 20, 2009

Notes for 4-10

Notes for 4-10

-July 2006: President Election month: PAN candidate Felipe Calderon wins a very close and bitterly disputed race against PRD candidate Lopez Obradore
-Calderon wins with 36% of the vote, and wins by 1% of the the vote
-PRD refuses to accept results
-PAN has largest voting block in Congress at the time
-PRD has the 2nd largest block
-PRE comes in 3rd
- 1st 2 yrs in office: gets decent coalition in congress, raises taxes on corporations and wealthy, and passes law to revive composition of federal electorate
-Calderon has fully engaged Mexico's army against drug gangs
-2007: Mexico City passes legislation to legalize abortion
-2008: Supreme Court ruled 8 to 3 in favor that the law didn't violate the constitution or any agreements
-2008: Calderon signs legislation to make it seem more like a U.S. style court system
-Currently, criminal cases conducted in briefs, the public usually never watches, and the defendant is usually held in prison for many years
-2008: There is a huge debate on the economy
-40% of the profit from the oil industry is from penex
-Pipelines are in very poor condition, are deep in debt, and the petroleum supply is support

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